Discover our wide selection of heat pumps and furnaces
Klimfax offers you nothing less than state-of-the-art heating systems. Whether you’re looking for a heat pump or a furnace – gas, electric, hot water or oil – we’ll suggest the most appropriate equipment for your needs.
Gas furnaces
When you’re shopping for a furnace, look for the Average Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating. It will tell you what percentage of the energy used by the unit is turned into heat. The higher the rating, the greater the efficiency, and the more you save. Our furnaces have an AFUE rating of up to 98%.
Hydronic heating systems (hot-water furnaces)
Water heated by the electric or gas furnace circulates to the radiators and returns to the furnace where it is heated once again. Delivering comfortable room temperatures, this proven century-old system offers you substantial savings, is very durable, and makes for healthier indoor air.
When Should An Air Conditioning And Heating System Be Replaced?
Your heating and air conditioning system is essential for your home comfort, but like all appliances, it has a limited lifespan. Over time, its efficiency may decline, leading to issues that can affect your [...]
Breathe in Peace! Our Tips for Better Air Quality.
Preserving air quality in our homes is essential. Everyone agrees on that! But what are the best ways to do it? Our colleague Michael Bastrash recommends: Ventilate regularly; Choose natural rather than chemical cleaning [...]
Efficient Winter Heating: Greater Comfort with Reduced Energy Consumption
Winter is already here. It's the season for warm sweaters, thick woollen stockings, and hot chocolate—but definitely not for cold shivers, thanks to this blog post on efficient heating. We'll even provide recommendations for [...]
Dreaming of achieving the perfect temperature in every room of your home? Don't have the basement space for a central air-conditioning and heating system? Don't want to tear out all the walls for installation? [...]
Did our post on eco-efficiency resonate with you? Here's a technology whose design and performance are directly in line with this philosophy of doing more with less. More comfort and less energy consumption! How [...]
Home Energy Efficiency: How and Why?
Eco-efficiency isn't only for large-scale projects and businesses; you can also take steps to enhance your home's energy efficiency and enjoy the full benefits. What is eco-efficiency? Basically, it's doing more with [...]