Heating and air conditioning
subsidy programs
Looking to change your HVAC system? Various programs in the form of tax credits or expense reimbursements can help you make your project a reality.
Learn about the Quebec government grants for the heat pumps available in Quebec.
Oil to Heat Pump Affordability
This federal government subsidy program enables families with incomes at or below the average household income after taxes to switch from oil heating to a heat pump. Depending on your family income, you could receive up to $10,000 in subsidies for purchasing and installing a high-efficiency heat pump.
Planning a home renovation project to improve your home’s energy efficiency and comfort? The Rénoclimat program is for you. It includes a grant for the purchase and installation of a heat pump, the amount of which depends on the winter performance of the system you install.
Chauffez vert
Looking to replace your oil or propane heating system (furnace or boiler) with a renewable energy-powered system? The Chauffez vert program is for you. You could receive a grant of up to $1,275*.
This financial assistance, a government rebate, is available to owners of residential or multi-residential dwellings.
The LogisVert program offers rapid financial assistance once you’ve installed one or more energy-saving measures in your home. This initiative aims to motivate individuals to adopt more eco-friendly consumption practices.
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Dual-energy program
for electricity and natural gas
Want to benefit from a heating system that uses the right energy source at the right time and the best possible cost? The dual-energy program is for you. By combining natural gas and electric heating, you’ll save money and do your part for the environment.
This joint program of the ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles and Hydro-Québec could grant you up to $7,400*.
* The amounts mentioned on this page are for information only and may be modified anytime by the program administrators. Klimfax assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the amounts shown.
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Frequently asked questions about air conditioning and heating subsidy programs
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